Saturday, July 23, 2011

iOS 5 beta 4 released with addition of some minor features including OTA update option

Apple released iOS 5 beta4 yesterday for all the supported iDevices (iPad 2, iPhone 4 and 3GS, 3rd and 4th gen iPod Touch). This release is unique in that it is the first OTA upgradable iOS version, however a ridiculous warning appears when using this option saying “All photos will be deleted on updating OTA”. Some other minor feature updates to this beta are – 

Improved location feature in Twitter app, MobileMe local contacts are deleted rather than being merged, iCloud file names have been made case sensitive etc. Now it would be interesting to see when this release is jailbroken to unravel some more new features.

If you are having trouble updating to this beta 4 update (perhaps due to running beta 3) then try going back to iOS 4.3.4 and then update to iOS 5 beta 4.

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